Chicago Casino Valet Services


Chicago Casino Valet Services

Advantage Valet provides Valet Parking Service and Solutions to casino clients in the in the Mid-west area.

Serving Restaurants, Resorts, Theaters, Retail Centers, Nightclubs, Office Complexes, Hospitals, and now Casinos, we understand that each location has unique and demanding needs. At Advantage Valet, we strive to provide responsive, best-in-class service to our casino clients and their valued guests.

We are committed to being a leader of valet parking services for casinos in the Mid-west region. As a client of Advantage Valet, we will work with you as a strong partner in achieving your goals. As your valet service provider we realize the great opportunity to offer a multitude of front door services at your casino.

At Advantage we will not just park cars, we will provide total customer caring at your to your casino guests.

If you find yourself in need of our valet or parking management services, please fill out our inquiry form on the right side tab, or you can contact us by phone at:


Chicago Valet Parking Management Services Chicago Providing Professional Valet Parking Services And Management Throughout Midwest :: Chicago And Suburbs, For Hospitals, Retail Centers, Malls, Casinos, Hotels, Stadiums, Theatres, Restaurants, Office Complexes, Healthcare Facilities And Special Events

 As valet and parking management experts, Advantage Valet Parking provides a full range of services for nearly every type of facility including: Hospitals, Casinos, Hotels, Malls, Office Buildings, Restaurants, Special Events, Retail, Mixed-Use Facilities, Stadiums, and Theatres. Some of our parking management solutions include: valet parking, shuttle services, parking lot management, traffic direction, and facility specific custom strategies that encourage more efficient use of existing parking facilities, help improve the quality of service, and offer more parking and transportation options. Utilizing the best practices of Parking Management, in tandem with our Advantage Solutions Program (ASP), we can provide greater flexibility for the parking challenged client. This gives owners and managers more options for dealing with parking problems. Our valet and shuttle service attendants are uniquely trained to ensure that your customers have a positive parking experience. Advantage Valet Parking has specialized in providing parking management solutions to a quite diverse client base, and has also enhanced the parking and transportation services of these clients resulting in more reliable and customer-focused parking solutions.
Advantage Valet Parking, Inc.

181 S. Northwest Highway
Barrington, Ilinois 60010

847.401.4294 tel
847.842.7455 fax